Friday, January 2, 2009

ideas to grow your self-storage business

Hey Friends:

Quote: Michael Stall

"Marketing has always been about manipulating perceptions," he explained. "A truly buzz-worthy product will most likely always cut through the market clutter and noise. In the self-storage business, this concept would help tackle the saturation of the market, create customer fans, generate word-of-mouth marketing like you have never seen, and have phones ringing off the hook like never before."

He created a western theme storage facility in AZ

This concept is the brainchild of Michael Stall, who has been active in the storage industry for the past 11 years and is currently the vice president of operations for Stadium Properties in Costa Mesa, California, and manages the Dollar Self Storage facilities in Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona.
Stall, who has a Master's Degree in marketing, was looking for ways to make his facilities stand out amongst competitors. And what better way, he reasoned, than by creating a theme that defines the region in which each facility exists?

Great article @

written by Tom Comi