Friday, November 28, 2008

Chamber of Commerce

I believe my local chamber of commerce is a fantastic community of business professionals hovering on the same lillypad in the same pond, with the same goal. Stay alive!

We are all there to help each other, learn from each other's mistakes, stories, experiences, and pitfalls. I love the relationship marketing and networking.

I believe passionately in my local chamber, and encourage anyone who reads this to email me for my personal testimony.

I have been involved with Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce for 3.5 years, and have grown my self-storage business tremendously. I have a software program that tracks at least 39-45 direct sales in a little over 3 years from the Chamber.

I have been accepted with open arms into a beautiful networking group

I was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year through this organization and have been an ambassador for the chamber for 2years.

Most recently I was asked to sit on the executive board as Vice Chair of Membership and Marketing. I'm honored to fulfill this obligation and will continue with my networking group I also created on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month at 8am. (Professional Connections)

The Chamber is like a library where there are old and new books and lots of information. You just have to check one out.

The Chamber is like a church where everyone comes, and some sit up close and just listen, othes ask questions, some sit in the back and don't talk to anyone, othes really get involved and want to help you succeed. But you must take responsibility for your own direction.

Support your local chamber of commerce. Sit in on a networking group or contact me and I'll teach you how to create your own.

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