Thursday, December 4, 2008

relationship marketing

I believe it is all about building relationships. I have a relationship with everything. I strive to create, maintain and build relationships on a daily basis. I do this on e-mail, phone calls, in person and through letter writing. Communication is key.

I have a relationship with...

1. Myself

I must eat, rest, be good to myself, take care of me, exercise and feed myself with healthy thoughts, and friendships.

2. I have a relationship with "Mother Earth." We live on this planet with billions of others, doing the best we can. I either contribute to the pollution, or I am are part of the solution.

3. I have a relationship with my family. We are born into our families, and they love and accept us. I continue to increase the depth my relationships with my family members.

4. I also create relationships in my working environment. I create relationships in business, and sales, and in marketing.

I'm now working on relationship marketing. Creating strategic relationships and partner with others to help me succeed.

We are only as healthy as our relationships. I believe healthy relationships define success. I believe a healthy business, or a growing business is working on creating new relationships and partnering with others. I also believe when I partner with healthy businesses, and make strategic alliances I enlarge my circle of influence. The more people I know, the better chance I have to be successful at selling my product.

When I give first, and worry about receiving later, I thrive.

It is all about the relationships you create around you and your business. You can create your own atmosphere, or culture at your place of work. You can attract like minded business folks to your location. You must set boundaries and have some structure. But when I remember to take a deep breath and live in "THE NOW," and focus on the relationship in front of me things take care of themselves.

I believe I'm in the people business, no matter what product or service I'm selling.

I will be mindful of this today as I encounter others.

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