Sunday, October 26, 2008

ABC's of self-storage customers..

Thank you to Tammy Leroy and staff
The ABCs of Self Storage Customers

By John R. Wharton Are you marketing to all of the potential customers in your market? This A to Z list should get your creativity flowing!

A is for Architects, art departments at local colleges, and accountants B is for Baseball teams, boat owners, and banks C is for Contractors, colleges, car buffs, cluttered buildings, churches, and college students D is for Doctors’ offices, decorators, and dry cleaners E is for Entrepreneurs, engineers, eBay sellers, and event planners F is for Financial planners, florists, and furniture stores G is for Golf courses, garages, and general contractors H is for Handymen, healthcare businesses, hospitals, and HVAC contractors I is for Industrial parks, independent distributors, and Internet businesses J is for Journeymen, jazz bands, and janitorial servicesK is for Kennels, kayaks, and kids’ toys L is for: Landscapers, law offices, and locksmiths M is for Military, movers, and marching bands N is for Non-Profit groups, newlyweds, and nursing homes O is for Optometrists, outdoor advertisers, and professional organizers P is for Pharmaceutical reps, printers, plumbers, painters, and publishers Q is for Quilters and quality control specialists R is for RVs, relocation services, restaurants, and Realtors S is for Stagers, schools, siding contractors, and seniors T is for Teachers, tax accountants, theater productions, and trade shows U is for U.S. Army, upholsterers, and utility companies V is for Vending, vocational, veterinarians, and video equipment W is for welders, wine collectors, wholesalers, and wedding planners X is for X-ray laboratories and Xerox machines Y is for Youth organizations and yoga studios Z is for Zoos and all businesses in your ZIP code

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent John! Very informative and entertaining. I went back and read your other enteries and this is good advice for anyone in business (or even in Life) to be successful. I guess that is why you are successful, and why we are confident in referring our clients to your good hands!
Janine Weaver Kimble,
RE/MAX Peninsula, Newport News, VA.