Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The written word is sweet, damaging, helpful, and misleading, but it can also be genuine, trusting, thankful and honest. Our word is all we got. It is how we communicate. Tell stories, pass information, give complaints or breathe thanks.

Remember words can hurt or help, so why not spend each day, or week, writing a few choice words to that special business customer you have obtained through grass roots marketing, or your best referral source, or District Manager, or local editor of the newspaper, or assistant manager's wife, or local Chamber of Commerce Rep, or Realtor, UPS man, pizza guy, newspaper delivery boy.

I was a newspaper delivery boy for years before and after school, and my hands hand ink on them, my Sony Walkman had ink on it, my handlebars of my gray diamond back bicycle on ink on it, and much later my mother's tan minivan which i used to transport hundreds of papers had ink on them, but the INK that struck me the hardest and that is still tattooed on my brain is the ink of thank you notes from customers, sometimes with a little cash. But I could feel their words and hear their words when i read their cards.

I still keep thank you cards in my business now, and have created an album for customers to look through, while I'm on the phone.

I also took my mother's advice and would hand write thank you notes to all my customers, aunts and uncles, and now business contacts

It is fun.
It gets you noticed.
It is sincere.

I recently wrote a thank you note to the paperboy who delivers a morning paper to our storage facility and put $10.00 in there. They came back and rented a unit 6 months later.

The power of the written word.


make some noise at your storage facility

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